A series of warning banners, or ‘narcomantas,’ have appeared in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, on which the Milenio Cartel printed warnings to its rivals and the authorities, threatening to turn the state into “another Tamaulipas.” The banners, translated below, offer a glimpse into the power relations between Mexico’s drug cartels and public officials.

On the banners, the Milenio Cartel issued threats to Jalisco’s Secretariat of Public Security (Secretaria de Seguridad Publica – SSP). The cartel called upon the Governor of Jalisco, Emilio Gonzalez Marquez, to reign in the SSP, accusing it of accepting kickbacks from rival criminals in exchange for political protection. If he does not comply, the message said, he risks turning Jalisco into “another Tamaulipas or Guerrero,” referring to the recent surge in violence in those states.

The banners’ appearance coincided with the extradition of Oscar Orlando Nava Valencia, alias ‘El Lobo’ to the United States, and the message was signed with the initials “MFG” (an acronym for the Milenio, Familia and Gulf Cartels). As such, they could represent an attempt by the Milenio Cartel to disassociate itself from the Sinaloa Cartel, perhaps as part of an effort to counter their local rivals, a group known as the Nuevo Cartel de Jalisco.

According to Mexico’s El Proceso, the messages were laminated and carefully hung near roads and bridges over the city’s main thoroughfares. In an ominously threatening display, one of them was placed next to the remains of several dead animals. Below is the banner’s translation, as well as the original message in Spanish. To view a larger image of the original banner, click here.

“Mr. Governor: if you want the violence to end in Jalisco and to keep it from becoming another Tamaulipas or Guerrero, all you have to do is order the SSP [Secretariat of Public Security], led by LUIS CARLOS NAJERA and ALEJANDRO SOLORIO and CARLOS ALEJANDRO CARDENAS [alias] ‘EL CHARLY,’ envoy of NEMECIO OCEGUERA alias ‘el MENCHO,’  to stop risking the lives of their men for a few measly pesos in exchange for picking up our people and turning them over to the crooked ones that call themselves the NCJ [Nuevo Cartel de Jalisco].

Do this or else prepare for Jalisco to burn in flames. You think this is over, but it’s only just beginning; while Michoacan has its war with the PFP [Federal Preventative Police] Jalisco has its own war with the SSP.

We’ll take care of the Traitors and the crooked ones and the kidnappers just like we did before the garbage and plague who call themselves the Next Generation of Jalisco started operating here, who aren’t even from Jalisco.

The solution is in your hands.

-Atte. Milenio Cartel
MFG [Milenio/Familia/Gulf]”

Original Text:

“Al señor GOBERNADOR: Si quiere que termine la violencia en Jalisco solo tiene que poner orden en la S.S.P. al mando de LUIS CARLOS NAJERA Y ALEJANDRO SOLORIO Y CARLOS ALEJANDRO CARDENAS EL CHARLY enlace de NEMECIO OCEGUERA alias el MENCHO y evite que Jalisco se convierta en otro Tamaulipas o Guerrero no arriesguen la vida de sus elementos por unos cuantos pesos que reciben directores a cambio de brindar protección a los torcidos que se hacen llamar NCJ mientras la S.S.P. nos levanta a nuestra gente para entregársela al NCJ nosotros no fomentaremos la violencia de lo contrario prepárense para que Jalisco arda en llamas al ustedes piensan que esto ya termino se equivocan apenas va a comenzar Michoacán tiene su guerra con la PFP evite que Jalisco la tenga la suya con la S.S.P. De los Traidores y de los torcidos y secuestradores nosotros nos encargamos como lo hacíamos antes hasta que los dejaron operar a estas basuras y lacras que dicen llamar Jalisco NUEVA GENERACION y que ni de Jalisco son. Usted tiene la solución en sus manos. Atte. Cártel del Milenio MFG”